Bentley Celebrity Apparel

Consumers must be age 18+, all items are  shipped from third (3rd) party services. The founder, nor 'Bentley celebrity Apparel ' are responsible for any misplaced orders.  Your Debit/Credit card credentials may be used by 3rd/Third party service

Bentley Celebrity Apparel Notice

Consumers must be age 18+, all items are shipped from third (3rd) party services. The founder, nor 'Bentley celebrity Apparel ' are responsible for any misplaced orders. Your Debit/Credit card credentials will NOT be shared with any other services.

"I was shocked, but at the same time I felt honored to see Jugg Money's Picture on a phone case for celebrities. Someone from my city made it, I wish he was here to picture it himself"

Product: Jugg Money Phone Case 8990784376
Location: Anderson County, Anderson SC

About Us

Shaquez Campbell

store owner

Bentley Celebrity Apparel's goal, is to build trust and create a personal connection with our guest. The more a prospective guest knows about us, the more comfortable they are to purchase from our store. Read this section so that we are capable of explaining why our store is the best place to purchase top notch products. Be sure to view the 'Related Products' section underneath each detailed product so that you know you are choosing the best product for you. Our items are not made locally, they are sourced from special third party services and are customized to best fit a broad audience. This is the place to tell your friends how to own the greatest and latest products. We want to leave a memorable impression that makes you want to tell your family about us, and for you to come back for more!!!


Bentley Celebrity Apparel does not have a physical contact location, since their products are all shipped from 3 party services.

south carolina, 29621

Contact Hours

Monday — Friday

11:30 AM — 9:30 PM


Noon- 12 Midnight

